Locum tenens work offers schedule flexibility for more family time and new experiences. Learn how to make locum tenens with a family work for you.
familyLocum tenens work offers schedule flexibility for more family time and new experiences. Learn how to make locum tenens with a family work for you.
Locum tenens physician Dr. Nicholas Kusnezov, shares how taking his family on locums assignment can be an adventure for all.
With so many different ways to work locums, there are many misperceptions too. Take this quiz to learn more about this flexible career choice.
Locum tenens helped Dr. Gonzalo Rodriguez find the flexibility to spend more time with family and have a better work/life balance.
Six physicians share how locum tenens gave them the control and flexibility to balance their personal and professional lives.
Dr. Dike Drummond shares how to recognize the signs of physician burnout along with personal resilience strategies that can prevent it.
The Happy MD, Dr. Dike Drummond shares his insights on how to address physician wellness and burnout in the current healthcare climate.
Jenny Underwood turned to locum tenens when she realized the right work/life balance would mean everything to her and her kids.
Dr. Steven Garman enjoys the flexibility locum tenens gives him in retirement. He describes it as the ‘best way to practice medicine in the United States.’
Locum tenens is the solution that these three physician mothers have turned to for help in managing both motherhood and their careers.
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