Locum tenens work offers schedule flexibility for more family time and new experiences. Learn how to make locum tenens with a family work for you.
Tag - local locums
With so many different ways to work locums, there are many misperceptions too. Take this quiz to learn more about this flexible career choice.
Dr. Jim Mock was introduced to locum tenens during his residency in 1992, while training to be an emergency room physician. In 2009, he decided to take the...
LeaAnn Schroeter, MD would be the first to tell you that a physician working locum tenens is presented with a variety of challenges and even downsides. Dr...
What do the summits of Everest and Kilimanjaro, a small cancer clinic in Ghana, and Alaska’s historic 1,000-mile Iditarod Trail all have in common? For most...
Massachusetts hospitalist Paymon Kayhani fled his native country as a teenager and arrived in the Boston area as a refugee with his parents and older sister...